Survey of Job Vacancies

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Click the button below to create and log into your ABS Survey Account and complete your survey online.

Contact us

If you need help completing this survey, please call one of our team on 1800 622 235 (+61 2 6252 8846 outside Australia) during business hours or use our Business Surveys Contact Form.

Purpose of the survey

The Survey of Job Vacancies (JVS) is conducted every quarter with businesses and organisations throughout Australia. Your participation in this survey provides figures essential for calculating Australia’s job vacancy statistics. These statistics are used in the measurement of Australia’s job vacancies and provide government and industry analysts with key economic indicators to inform decision making.

Thank you. We acknowledge and value your time and effort participating in this survey. It is only with the support of people like you that we can continue to produce the statistics that inform Australia's important decisions.

Frequently asked questions

About this survey

How is the information from JVS used? Why is it important?

JVS is conducted every quarter with businesses and organisations throughout Australia. Your participation in this survey provides figures essential for calculating Australia’s job vacancy statistics. These statistics are used in the measurement of Australia’s job vacancies and provide government and industry analysts with key economic indicators to inform decision making.

What kinds of questions are asked in JVS?

The questions in JVS ask about the number of job vacancies for your business or organisation on the reference date.

Do we have to answer the questions?

Under the Census and Statistics Act 1905, you are obliged to provide the information requested by the ABS.  
We follow up delayed responses and we will assist you if you are having difficulties.

What is a job vacancy?

A job vacancy is a job available for immediate filling on the reference date and for which recruitment action has been taken.

Note: Recruitment action includes efforts to fill vacancies by advertising, by on site or online notices, by notifying employment agencies or trade unions and by contacting, interviewing or selecting applicants already registered with your organisation.


  • Vacancies for all categories of jobs (e.g. executive, managerial, full-time, part-time, permanent, temporary, casual, seasonal, traineeships, apprenticeships, cadetships)


  • Vacancies for positions not paid through your payroll
  • Vacancies for jobs which became vacant on the survey date and were filled that same day
  • Vacancies for jobs of less than one day’s duration
  • Vacancies only available to be filled by internal applicants (for public sector organisations, also exclude vacancies only available to employees within the relevant Public Service)
  • Vacancies to be filled by employees returning from paid or unpaid leave or after industrial disputes
  • Vacancies not available for immediate filling on the survey date (e.g. recruitment for vacancies expected in the future such as graduate intakes and recruitment pools)
  • Vacancies for work to be carried out by contractors
  • Vacancies for which no recruitment action has been taken
  • Vacancies where a person has been appointed, but has not yet commenced duty (e.g. where provisional promotion or acceptance of appointment has occurred)
  • Vacancies where the position is not available to be filled until a later date
  • Vacancies to be filled by staff from contract labour agencies.

What is the survey reference date?

The current survey reference date is 17 May 2024.

Why has this business or organisation been included in JVS?

JVS is answered by a selected group of businesses or organisations that represent the wider Australian community. Businesses or organisations of various sizes and industries are included as each are differently affected by government policies. Figures from all sizes of businesses or organisations are particularly important for calculating state and territory statistics.

We are a small business or organisation. Should we be included in this survey?

The ABS considers the activities of small businesses or organisations to be as important as larger ones. Smaller businesses or organisations have specific characteristics and can be differently impacted by government policies and incentives. Small businesses or organisations cannot be excluded from participation in ABS surveys. Answering the JVS questions helps enable government and others to best design policies that support the range of businesses across the states and territories of Australia.

How long will we need to participate in this survey?

The length of time that a business or organisation is selected in any particular survey will depend on factors such as the size of the business or organisation, the number of businesses or organisations with similar characteristics, and how significant the activities of the business or organisations are to the overall results.

Larger businesses or organisations have a high chance of selection in multiple ABS business surveys. Due to their significant contribution to the overall survey results, they will usually remain in a survey on an ongoing basis.

Smaller businesses or organisations have a lower chance of selection and will usually be included in JVS for three years at a time. However, there are exceptions to this rule and some small businesses or organisations could be required to remain in longer than three years, particularly if the business or organisation has a significant impact on measurement of economic activity, for example, due to its type or location.

Due to the large number of smaller businesses or organisations in Australia, they are generally not included in more than one survey at a time. However, there will always be some cases where inclusion in more than one survey cannot be avoided.

Where possible, we use data from existing administrative data sources to replace, or reduce direct data collection from smaller businesses.

Do we have to complete the survey right now?

The industry, business and government users of JVS statistics need the most accurate and timely information possible so they can make important decisions. 
When completing your form, if exact figures are not available, please provide careful estimates.

Are these responses kept confidential?

Your completed form and personal information will remain strictly confidential to the ABS.  
The information is used to calculate statistics and these are only released in the form of aggregated data that do not allow identification of individuals, businesses or organisations.

Will we be paid for our time?

No. There is no provision within the Census and Statistics Act 1905 to reimburse businesses or organisations for the cost of providing statistical information. In line with other national statistical organisations throughout the world, individuals, businesses and other organisations are asked to supply information for statistical purposes without compensation. It is only with the support of people like you that we can continue to produce the statistics that inform Australia's important decisions.

What if this business or organisation does not have any employees?

In this case, please call one of our team on 1800 622 235 (+61 2 6252 8846 outside Australia) and we will assist you. To help us determine the correct course of action for your business or organisation, we will ask you a few questions, such as, is there any intention for your business or organisation to employ anyone in the future?

What if this business or organisation did not operate during the reference period?

In this case, please call one of our team on 1800 622 235 (+61 2 6252 8846 outside Australia) and we will assist you.

We have already completed JVS this quarter and have received a reminder letter. What should we do?

If you have received a reminder letter about completing JVS, it is likely that you have returned the survey at the same time that we issued the reminder letter. If you wish to confirm this, please call one of our team on 1800 622 235 (+61 2 6252 8846 outside Australia) and we will check the information against our records.

How to complete this survey

How do we answer JVS?

Each quarter, you will receive correspondence with a code to access the latest quarter’s survey form.  Then, simply go online to set up an account or, if you already have one, log in and add your Form Access Code to retrieve the form. 

You will only need to add a Form Access Code once. For future cycles, the JVS form will automatically be added to your account.

The account is a secure service that allows a form to be accessed as many times as is needed before final submission. The same account can be used to access and answer future surveys.

How long will it take to complete JVS?

This is a very short survey that takes less than 10 minutes to complete online.

We're having trouble completing the survey online - where can we find help?

For more information on completing our surveys online, help is available on our Survey Account Help page. This page provides assistance with technical difficulties and includes frequently asked questions which assist in creating and using the ABS Survey Account.

If you are having trouble creating or accessing your account, completing the survey online, or have lost your Form Access Code, please call us on 1800 622 235 (+61 2 6252 8846 outside Australia), and one of our team will be happy to assist you.

If you would like more general information about participating in one of our surveys, please see our Survey Participant Information page.

Using JVS statistics

How can this business or organisation use JVS statistics?

We provide statistics free of charge on our website. Statistics produced from JVS are published in Job Vacancies, Australia.

Who can we contact for more information or to provide feedback?

You can call us on 1800 622 235 (+61 2 6252 8846 outside Australia), Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. If you call us outside these hours, please leave a message with your contact details and we will return your call as soon as possible.

You can also use our online Business Surveys Contact Form to outline the details of your situation and we will be in touch.

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